No Inventory, No Costs

TeePublic is a FREE platform. We promise. No setup costs, no inventory, no minimum sales. You earn money on every sale: regardless of whether you earned $2 or $2,000, you receive your commissions every month. Plus, we take care of all the backend work: printing, shipping, and customer service, so you can just focus on creating the content your listeners love.


Dedicated Account Manager

You will get dedicated account management to help with tips and tricks on promoting your store, let you know about sales, set up coupon codes for your Patreon supporters, and provide learning resources on how to use your merch store as a great fan engagement tool!


Variety & Plus Sizes

Our sizes go up to a 5XL in classic and a size 28 in curvy. With an ever-growing collection of plus-sized apparel, we have many styles and sizes for all different body types. But we aren't only about apparel: We have over 75 different products including totes, mugs, stickers, masks, and more - plus an easy uploader to get your designs ready quickly!


Not An Artist? Not A Problem

You can choose what feels right from TeePublic’s global community of independent artists, or support your fan community by adding their art to your storefront! You'll earn an 11% commission on every sale that you drive, and the designer earns $$ as well!

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Branded Storefront

Customize your storefront to make it your own. Choose your display name and custom URL slug, upload banner and profile pictures, create albums, and organize your designs however you want. With TeePublic, you'll have your own landing page for merchandise in minutes.


Customer Service

Our round-the-clock customer service, paired with our generous return policy, has led to our incredible TrustPilot score of 4.2. Whether your fans need to change their order, have a question about tracking, or just require assistance during their TeePublic experience, we’re here for them so you can focus on creating content.